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February New Moon Horoscopes

New moon at 12 degrees in Aquarius Feb 1st (also lunar new year!)


Sun, saturn, and moon all around the 11th house. You may feel slightly unsupported at this time, especially in regards to social situations. This new moon places you in deep reflection in regards to work or your social circle. Use this new moon as a tool to ask yourself: are the groups I am in supporting me? Are they supporting my ideas?


You may have been feeling like you've made some goals too large for you to handle. Or that you simply can't do it all. Lots of intrusive thoughts lately around your own ambition and even reputation. This new moon asks you to dive deep into those feelings. Ask yourself: Why do you not show love for all the things you have already accomplished? Do you feel it is you with authority over your life?


Normally nothing stops you from looking at all philosophical ideas and craving knowledge. Though this new moon has you feeling a bit "burnt out". Take time to look at where you have placed structure to do the things that are important to you such as travel, higher learning, and any activities involving humans such as psychology. Ask yourself: am I learning something that feeds my future self?


This new moon brings you closer to where you feel security emotionally. With Saturn near by there may be a windfall dealing with someone else's money. You'll be stepping into fully understanding what you need emotionally to feel secure in relationships, past, present and future. Go with your gut during this time, it will be showing you their true intentions


What relationships do you consider number one priority right now? Or what partner do you find yourself very involved in spiritually, emotionally, and physically? The new moon in Aquarius is asking you to look at how you relate to this person, do you see them as just as amazing as yourself? Get rid of the idea that they are so talented but you can't find any talents of your own. This feeling will pass and you have the tools to get rid of it now, for good.


Where in your life have you been helping out? Find out exactly what role you played in this situation. If it actually makes you healthy and feel helpful take time to congratulate yourself on this path. This new moon is bringing you into the depths of tasks you have performed for others. A new one will be approaching, treat it with care.


You've been feeling bad lately when you're just trying to have some fun. This new moon wants you to release the idea that you can't have fun freely, you don't need to pay for it! Give yourself joy by not feeling bad after you feel it. This could be simply doing something new with your children or a whole new creative venture that most likely you didn't see coming.


The new moon is asking you to look at the inner workings of your home. Do you identify with it? Is it due for structural change? You'll feel pulled to alone time right now as you figure this out. You might even be revamping your family.


The mercury retrograde has been hitting you a little bit harder than usual this time. Communications seem off. You may be having a hard time explaining yourself to someone. However, with the New moon you'll get a deeper understanding as to what is and what isn't working when it comes to communicating with people. This is a great time to change your communication style.


The question for this new moon is what gives you emotional security? I am positive you know already or are close. This has been your path lately. As more and more material possessions come your way you'll be quick to organize them. Just be careful not to rank them too harshly in accordance with emotions. Remind yourself to be grateful for all during this new moon period.


Lovely Aquarius, this new moon is happening in your 1st house of the self. You have time to really change the structure of your personality now. Have you changed your makeup or wardrobe lately? If not the new moon is supporting you now. Your leadership skills during these next 6 months will be at an all time high. Enjoy it. Trust it.


You've been taking your learning to the deepest level lately. Mostly all about you. On this journey to self discovery don't forget to go easy on yourself. You may want to consolidate some emotional strength during this new moon period. Remind yourself that you can get to this state of transcendence you seek. Do you feel like you need to suffer to get there? You don't. Take rest.

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